Saturday, March 24, 2007

Kidnapped by the Hounrable Resistance

Kidnapped by the Honorable Resistance
I took my daughter to see my parents and family on Wednesday only to find out that my best friends sister and cousin had been kidnapped on their way home from college ( these girls come from a very reserved and strict family ) I think their parents would rather have them die of natural cause than have them alive and kidnapped ....the kidnappers called on the same day that the girls were taken demanding a ransom of 100,000 dollars ... if they sold the house they live in ( which they partially own )and all the processions they have they would not come up with quarter of the sum (and in that case they would be in the streets ) so I went to their house to see my friend soon as I got in she started crying I have never seen her cry so much and her mother was weeping ...she told me that after negotiations with the kidnappers that claimed to be the Honorable resistance (Mqawama Sharifa) they managed to lower the sum to 15,000 dollars which still is a lot of money neighbours and friends started donating some money (I had some money for a washing machine that I wanted to buy , But I guess I can buy one later..) other poor families gave modest amounts just to show that they supported the family , on Thursdays they were told to come and give the money the father went and he was told to follow the instructions carefully or else they girls would die ...he was told to leave the money on a street corner and leave ....after 4 hours the family was called again and told that the girls would be freed "because of your cooperation with us and pray for us we have some new operations that we want to conduct so we need your prayers" pray for them ... the girls were then taken to the street after having the blindfold taken off .. and one of the kidnappers hired a taxi for them telling the taxi driver that these are my sisters and they are in your hands please take them to where they want to go ...I saw one of the girls and managed to speak to her she was very pale and as if she will break down in any minute tears in her eyes ...I wonder if her life will ever be normal again ...


~Jaime said...

I cannot even imagine. I cannot imagine being the mother of a kidnapped child...or being in such dire straights to feel like I needed to resort to kidnapping as a way of getting money.

If I may ask...were the girls hurt? What did the kidnappers do to them?

iraqiya said...

Dear Jaime
yes the girls were hurt but thank God not severly a few kicks and a few slaps , but you must remember that they were very... very ..lucky to be released ,most of kidnappers in Iraq take the ransom money and end up killing the victims , at least the kidnappers released them which is not a very common state here in Iraq .
I will try to see the girl again and get more details on how she was taken she didnt speak that much the last time ... but maybe she can now that the ordeal is over .

mewmewmew said...

I cannot even imagine. I cannot imagine being the mother of a kidnapped child...or being in such dire straights to feel like I needed to resort to kidnapping as a way of getting money.

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